I got these from Websters Dictionary...
a : marked by generosity
obsolete : lacking moral restraint : LICENTIOUS
: not literal or strict : LOOSE
a : tending or disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions : TRADITIONAL b : marked by moderation or caution c : marked by or relating to traditional norms of taste, elegance, style, or manners
i am a conservative myself and was a little surprised about the definition of a liberal...i knew they didn't have moral but i didn't know it was defined as being that way...
Do you define your party as from the definition of concervative and liberal?
I am conservative, but do not belong to any political party in particular. Although there are many liberals and liberal organizations in power (NOW, PETA, ACLU) who take the view of the extremes most liberals on the street are suffering from various levels of ignorance about what they are really supporting.
When it comes to ordinary everyday people, Liberals tend to be those who think with their hearts when it comes to decisions affecting others. People who think with their hearts tend to consider how their decisions affect the individuals involved. They tend to work well with individuals or small groups in helping careers such as teaching and nursing. This is no reflection of their intelligence, because there are plenty of intelligent liberals out there. It is only an indication of how they make decisions. People who think with their hearts may need to put extra effort in learning to look at the logical side of things when making decisions in politics. Liberals also tend to jump feet first into accepting new ideas hoping that the ideas will work, so that they can be on the ground floor.
On the other hand, conservatives tend to think with their heads. They focus on how their decisions affect the group as a whole. They usually work better in logical fields such as in laboratory science or the law. This is not a reflection on conservatives ability for compassion, but only on how they make decisions. People who think with their heads may need to put extra effort into considering how their decisions affect the individuals involved. Conservatives tend to look before they leap and accepting new ideas only if there is good reason to believe that those ideas will work better than those that are in place. They are more likely to give up being on the ground floor in favor of caution.
Most people are somewhere in the middle of the road.
That having been said. Running the government (as opposed to a local club or group) requires much thinking in terms of the whole group. There is no way that a federal government over 300 million people or even a town government over 3,000 can meet the needs of every individual in those groups. The federal government should limit itself to issues affecting the country at large (national defense, disputes between the states, etc). State governments should limit itself to issues which affect itself as a whole (maintaining state highways, justice systems, etc). All other issues (schools, county road and park maintenence, zoning laws, etc) should be handled by local governments. The needs of individuals should be handled by families, churches, and private charities.
Reply:That's not a good definition of either. Those are not really what liberals and conservatives are, those are just adjectives.
I'm a Libertarian (lest anyone think I am biased), and both parties have morals and values, they are just different from each other. There are plenty of other questions on here explaining the difference, look em up.
Reply:People who think liberals are marxists are morons. There are lots of "free-market capitalists" in the liberal camp that are the polar opposite of Marxists. Neo-conservatism is corporate communism, and that is the belief of the party in power today.
Find out where you really stand.
Also check out the real definitions of liberal ideology and compare them to conservative ideology. Figure out which party is outright lying in their presentation of themselves.
For a real yank on your brain stem, check out this ideology :)
Reply:The dictionary definition shouldn't be used to define a party. It's not the same thing. Another definition I've heard (don't remember which dictionary) said that conservative was "lacking or not accepting change."
It depends how you define it. For instance, Joe's car has liberal gas mileage. In this case, it's used positively. Or Donna, the street walker, uses makeup liberally. This would be used in a negative way.
To define Liberals, those who define their political view as such, you would have to judge how their views fit with modern culture, and the ever-changing pace of life. Same with Conservatives.
Besides, it's a dictionary. What does it know?
Reply:Liberal means marxist. As in, the only thing that liberals care about or work to advance, is marxism. There are many causes they supposedly champion but their behavior does not advance a single one. Their behavior ONLY serves marxism. Understand that, by marxism, what they propose are the beliefs and behaviors that have resulted in genocide and slavery in every country it has ever taken root in. The blood of hundreds of millions of innocent people and the dehumanization of billions more are on the hands of these people. Past and present, their behavior has advanced these things DIRECTLY and with full knowledge of what is going on. That's why you see things that seemingly don't make sense going on with regard to them. Jimmy Carter and other liberals coming out strongly for Hamas, for example.
Perhaps a more accurate definition for liberal is mass murderer.
Reply:Woah, hold on. I'm rather liberal myself, and liberals do have morals. The difference between liberals and conservatives is that they have different morals than each other.
Reply:This is my definition of a liberal that I would choose!
Liberalism is an ideology, philosophy, and political tradition that holds liberty as the primary political value.[1] Broadly speaking, liberalism seeks a society characterized by freedom of thought for individuals, limitations on power, especially of government and religion, the rule of law, the free exchange of ideas, a market economy that supports relatively free private enterprise, and a transparent system of government in which the rights of minorities are guaranteed. In modern society, liberals favour a liberal democracy with open and fair elections, where all citizens have equal rights by law and an equal opportunity to succeed[2
Conservatism is a philosophy defined by Edmund Burke as "a disposition to preserve, and an ability to improve".[1] The term derives from conserve; from Latin conservare, to keep, guard, observe. Classical conservatism does not readily avail itself to the ideology of objectives. It is a philosophy primarily concerned with means over ends. To a conservative, the goal of change is less important than the insistence that change be effected with a respect for the rule of law and traditions of society.
Conservatives are really Fascists!
Reply:You missed the little "obsolete" preceding said definition. Here's a tip, look up "obsolete" next.
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