Thursday, July 30, 2009

How old is the A) the universe, B) the solar system, c) the Earth?

what was the first life on Earth and when did it occur?

what are the main types of living things on the Earth?when were A) the first plants, B) the first animals, C) the first mammals?

what were dinosaurs; when and how did they become extinct?

which animals are the closest / most similar to humans?

what is the earliest evidence of human-like beings, what is its date and where was it found?

when did early humans first use A) tools, B) fire, C) bury their dead, D) speak?

what does it mean to say early humans were hunter-gatherers?

when is the first evidence of early human art and cave painting?

when and where did the first settled agricultural communities arise?How would you define intelligence?

How do psychologists define intelligence?

How have psychologists measured intelligence?

What types of research have been the basis of the claim that nature more than nurture determines IQ?

How old is the A) the universe, B) the solar system, c) the Earth?
I'll answer one question.

Scientists postulate that the universe is approximately fourteen billion years old.
Reply:I will postulate you should do your own homework :)

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